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How to cure incurable eczema - Episode 09


How to cure incurable eczema - Episode 09


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30 Day Challenge - how to start a carnivore diet

How to cure incurable eczema - Episode 09


Welcome to the Meat Medic Podcast. I'm yDr Suresh Khirwadkar.

I'm a GP a lifestyle physician and I'm a practicing carnivore. I've had great success myself personally and with patients by following a carnivore diet and I want to spread the word about the many benefits of eating meat.


Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Thank you Bradley for coming on my podcast today I'm joined Bradley Marshall\ who has a great kind of success story that he wants to share with everyone. Ah so maybe Bradley if you could perhaps introduce yourself to people that don't know you and give us your story.

Bradley Marshall
For sure and thank you so much for having me on your podcast Dr Suresh as I was saying before we started recording. It's an absolute privilege to have doctors like you out there in the world that are pushing forward the narrative that meat is good for you and and going against the traditional grain where.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, you're welcome.

Bradley Marshall
So many doctors unfortunately are criticizing it and without like myopically criticizing it and even though there's a wealth of evidence there that proves that it's ah, infinitely good for you as you can clearly see it has done with my conditions. So. Basically ah I've always had eczema my whole life I was born with Eczema My mom says the moment I Yeah, the moment I was born I was covered in rashes unfortunately and I've always noticed the difference and quickly and high school kids around me would like would be playing and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Some older kids would come up and say what's wrong with your face. It's just covered in rashes and so quickly always felt different. Um, there was a period of between around 18 to 23 where it just subsided to a point where I was able to live my life and I was really happy. But.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
At 23 to now I'm 26 like it was only three years but it could have been indefinite could have gone on forever like until I died had I had I not discovered this kind of or diet and that period of 3 years I was just in this excruciating purgatory of just. Pain and I wasn't able to leave my bed I had to quit my job I'm a piano teacher as well as a maths teacher so teaching piano I couldn't reach the octave which is like 8 notes is pretty easy to reach but I couldn't because my fingers were so destroyed and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Ah, with the ecma and I just it was so hard to teach and the kids were saying to me. Oh what's wrong with your hands and if I practiced the piano that much with my fingers end up looking like that and it was just embarrassing and I felt really like I felt insecure but insecurity was the least of my worries because. Really, it was debilitating pain twenty four seven and it would get worse at night. So I knew that I knew that this couldn't be the answer the answer I couldn't just live like this for the rest of my life and I mean doctors traditional doctors just prescribe steroid creams and antibiotics. And it's just a cycle of curing yourself transiently and then once you get off the medication. It would always get worse That's what I found so I just felt like I got to the point where I was avoiding going to the hospital at one point about a year ago and

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
I Remember saying to my my mum was like you need to go to the hospital because you're weeping so much and your blood could be just it. Well it turned out my blood had turned so turned to septic but it got to the point where I felt like yeah this is really bad I need to go in so because I want to go in because I knew what they'd do.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Put me on steroids and they'd put me on antibiotics and it'd be the same thing and I'd be great for two weeks but then I'd be devastated again after that two weeks so I went in and the doctor was like lucky you came in because if you didn't I would have given you probably a week and you would have died. Um, that's how severe it was so.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, well yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Said yeah I need to do something about this I I didn't trust the steroids I already was familiar with topical steroid withdrawal and I just saw I stopped all medication I stopped everything from eladile to steroids to antibiotics to even qv cream and I just. I came across someone was in the gym and he saw my excma and he said you know I had exma two and I started this carnivo diet and I really recommend you should try it. So I I just assume that maybe a mild ex-mi's mine was really severe. So you know what? I'm just going to try it anyway. See see what happens. So that day I started it and while I started it I was already aware of people like Michaelya Petersen and Jordan Petersen and I so I I knew about Jordan Peterson and and I heard about his daughter being on the kind of a guy and and him as well. So.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, yep.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah, it just came to me that I saw her story she cured herself of her arthritis and her psoriasis and I just said to myself. Yeah I have to I have to try this? Um, so so it took me about I took me about seven weeks into it and then I could.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Ah, m.

Bradley Marshall
Start to sleep again and my skin was starting to cure and now I've been on it about eight months and my life's been. My life is back I'm able to work again I can I can move I can work out like it's literally like I've returned from.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, wow.

Bradley Marshall
Almost the brink of death and now I'm a young person again. Wow.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Wow. Um, what? what? Ah what a powerful story I mean that's just incredible isn't it. Um, so you so you got into carnivore because someone at the gym saw your skin and said you know look I've I've tried this thing you know, do you want to try it What what did that? What did that sound like to you.

Bradley Marshall
So yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
You know, First of all this person coming up to you and saying hey try try this try this meat only diet like what was what was your kind of first impression of that.

Bradley Marshall
Second general Jones heart.

Bradley Marshall
My first impression was yeah I wasn't skeptical because I was very open-minded to a lot of things. Um, but the first thing I was I was worried about constipation I was worried about colon cancer I was worried about atherosclelosis. Um, all of these things were on my mind so I started off not just going straight to meat I started off having some keto fruit in the diet. So I had like avocado I had coconut I had yes and honey when I had cravings I just had honey so that lasted me about.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
3 to four weeks and when that when I felt like that was still causing me a bit of itchiness I cut that and then went full lion diet so that's nothing but meat like just ah cow and lamb and salt and water and that's it.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Threat and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, yeah, so.

Bradley Marshall
And that's really when it accelerated but on top of this I'm also doing ah I'm also doing cold water therapy and I'm also doing using the sauna all the time because I I really feel that it works in conjunction with that plus exercising the moment I drop off like exercising and cold water therapy and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
The diet That's when my Eczema really starts returning. So it's the whole combination of all of those things holistically.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Absolutely And I think that's something that somebody will do forget sometimes you know car Ofvore Diet. It's not.. It's not a magic cure for everything you still need to be looking after yourselves in in other ways but it certainly sounds like you have had amazing success with their carnivore Diet. Um. You mentioned keto there in doing some keto you know vegetables Keto fruits and so on for the fats like avocado were you doing keto for a while then and then before you went into carnivore.

Bradley Marshall

Bradley Marshall
When I say keto like I wasn't having cheese I wasn't having dairy I wasn't having fish like I was only doing basically strict Lion Diet plus the addition of avocado and coconut.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
But then when you took those out you saw it get yeah accelerate.

Bradley Marshall
And honey and that's it. Yeah, so that I probably stayed on that for about 5 to seven weeks and that's and I was it was already healing by that stage. But then I I just like when when you're on that level of of. That level of health like the most subtle changes in your body. You can really notice so back when I was really just um, saturated with illness like I really couldn't tell the small differences but but limiting. Avocado to from from having it to eliminating I could really tell the difference like and so that's why that's why I did it but at at this point in time as well. I'm also aware that you know avocado has magnesium and there is possibly electrolytes that missing from like magnesium calcium potassium and so. I occasionally still reintroduce avocado as I prefer to have those fruits than supplementing um and and I occasionally try sushimi now which is salmon raw salmon um cooked it all raw because Michaela Pison um actually reached out to her at 1 point because I was worried about electrolytes and she.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um I have.

Bradley Marshall
Um, was humble enough to answer me and she said. Ah yeah, she she can take sushimi so she recommended I try it and it does flare me a little bit but not and not us not to the point where I really flare up. Yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, know that's very interesting and and certainly I and I would agree with you Um, a whole food is is is really always better than than supplements and and artificial products. You know if we can help it at all and electrolyte is one of those things where it can be a little bit divisive I think in the kind of all community.

Bradley Marshall

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Whether you really need them or not did you feel that you needed some extra electrolyte support on this diet.

Bradley Marshall
Well I was I was just a tiny bit concerned because I noticed. Well first of all I did a blood test because I wanted to after six months I did a blood test and I wanted to see what was going to happen. So obviously my ldl levels are higher. Normal. It turned out to be like I think 4 um, four point eight I think millim mold per litter. Um, which which is higher than normal obviously but the thing that concerned me was my alt levels and ast levels were higher but I also have a condition called g six pd which is like a.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, okay.

Bradley Marshall
Ah, glucose six phosphate derogenese and I had high ast and alt levels when I was 19 on a standard diet. So I think it's the same. It's in fact, my ast levels dropped my a llt levels went higher but at the same time I'm always working out so I understand that if you have if you're working out your. Alt levels go up because alt is also released from your muscles.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Can do absolutely and certainly did you lose any weight because that can sometimes spike your liver function as well.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, um, like there's pictures of me before and now like everyone always comments how lean I look they're like wow you got such a stick pack and everything you can see I'm like yeah that's the cartno done. Um, so I think like I like I was pretty much like eighty four kilos when I was around 21 and I think I'm still eighty four kilos but the thing is it's not much fat on my body like it's really just all muscle.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah I mean I've seen your Instagram video that you sent me your story and you're certainly little bit leaner than I am I'm I'm I'm certainly getting there but not not quite to that level yet but certainly getting there I'm seeing changes myself with with the kind of a diet.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
That was actually older than how it is now like there's some photos where it's really like pronounced. That's like the video you saw is I'm not actually lean there at all to be honest compared to now. But um, that's the kind of um I don't really work out abs as as much as some people I know like I'm not.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Ah, okay, the.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Ah, now yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Going hard I'm just I Just do it every now and then and just because of the diet. It's just all the fats gone.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
It's amazing. Isn't it I mean I say this to people and they kind of they don't believe you you know how much difference it can make and and I found myself I was I've always been very heavily into into eating meat I used to do low carbon keto for a long time but the the differences that I see with my muscle mass that I'm gaining now even with. Barely working out I mean like literally 5 minutes a day. It just blows keto out of the water like it's just it's night and date and I'm probably eating sometimes less meat than I am than I was before which is fascinating to me. It's just taking out a lot of those other other foods seems to just help.

Bradley Marshall

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
So much which is which is really interesting. Um, so.

Bradley Marshall
I was watching your ah um podcast I think episode 3 you were talking about fasting I I also I also fast as well. So every morning like I don't eat until around two p M um purely because you know when you're on when you're just eating meat sometimes you feel so full on the meat. You just need to eat.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
That's right I mean you said there earlier sorry that you you feel like you're a lot more in tune with your body now since since doing carnivore and that's certainly something that a lot of people do do find with this. Um, how is that.

Bradley Marshall
So um.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Change your your day-to-day you know life in terms of what you eat when you eat you know and so on.

Bradley Marshall
With my routine I try to avoid eating yeah until 2 pm so I do all its like like intellectual work if you will in the morning like thinking and then because I find when I eat I I become sluggish. So. Like it's like I'm fasting and my mind is really clear and I I know other people who fast talk about this and so when I eat I become I feel a bit sluggish and then so yeah in terms of how how I feel was was your question like how how I feel when I eat carnivore.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Ah, more more. So um, you obviously you said you noticed that you are a lot more in tune with your hunger signals and and so on.

Bradley Marshall

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah, yeah I'm I'm really in tune the moment when I eat anything other than meat. For example, yeah, all just just the other day actually I had mince ground beef and of course it is meat but the thing is.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Right? yep.

Bradley Marshall
I reacted to it so I was wondering why did I react to it I looked it up online. What is added to ground beef to actually preserve it what they put in it in Australia at least is five hundred Milligrams of sulfur dioxide per pound of meat. So so.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
To know that.

Bradley Marshall
That was what I was reacting to you see I I know the second that there's something new that's introduced in my body that my body doesn't agree with I know my body is so sensitive like if I I was just eating like now that I'm seven months on the carnival lion diet like.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
I've been experimenting with new foods. So like the other day I just had plums that were organic and I'm always going for organic because I don't want to mix up I Want to test the food itself I don't want to mix that up with the pesticides or whatever that's been put in it. So yeah I just had a plum and while I didn't have a severe reaction like it was still.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
It was still sore. My body was sore um, just like you were talking about in your episode 3 like you notice when you introduce vegetables again, your body gets sore.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Absolutely yeah, yeah, it's fascinating because I think a lot of people do report the same thing that our bodies become so much more and I don't think we become more sensitive to things necessarily I think we become a lot more. In tune with what foods do to us? um, is is my take on it I think they're always doing that to us. It's just we. We didn't know because we're eating them all the time or we just we're tired and sluggish all the time So We don't notice the difference. But then when you take those out you you become a lot more in tune with with how you feel.

Bradley Marshall
Um, it.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
And it's so easy to see straight away you eat something? Oh no I don't feel good, almost almost straight away which was was my experience sounds like you know yours yours as well.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah. Yeah, well, some people say like I know've I heard some people say well if you cut out food for that long. Your microbiome is no longer used to those foods and so it will take you time to for like like if you don't eat those foods part of the microbiome kind of. Perhaps disappears like I haven't done enough research into it but like the the the bacteria in there that's necessary for breaking down those certain foods are no longer there because you haven't been eating those foods and so you have a more of a reaction. That's what I've heard so it's hard to discer discern between the 2 whether it's actually you reacting to the food or whether you haven't eaten it in a while. But um, that's why I'm testing it like every time I try a new food I don't just try it once I try it maybe like 3 times a few weeks apart.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Probably sensible. Yeah, and that's that's ah, a question that I get asked as Well. You know well is it is it just that you're more in tune with your body or is it that you've lost some protection against you know that food you've changed your gut Microbiome and so on you know we know the gut Microbiome changes. And will adapt to or change because depending on what you're eating Um, but my question there really is well if these things are you know, harmful if we need to build a protection against them should we be eating them. Ah.

Bradley Marshall
Um, we that's what Paul Saladino talks about yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Is is is my is my question I don't I don't necessarily have the answer to that. But it's an interesting question anyway, the god microbiome is something that I mean we could do like 20 podcasts on that alone I it's so complicated. But.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah, yeah, well he talks about homesis and the benefit of eating vegetables whether you actually need it or not like the tox the toxins that you get from it forgive me if I'm wrong, but the oxalate Salicolates Polyphenols you have that those toxins. What's the risk versus the reward um having these vegetables and so he argues like when you do things like sauna and cold water therapy which I'm actually doing all the time. Um, because I really found it works you get the benefit from the vegetables without the toxins. So so there really isn't a need.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
To have vegetables. He argues if you're also having these toxins when you can have the same thing by doing exercise cold water therapy and sauna without the toxins. Um.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Potentially yeah and that that is the question you know is is there a benefit is there a risk and where where does that balance lie and that's ah is a really interesting question I'm not sure we necessarily have an answer to that I think everyone's got to got to try it themselves really in a way. Um. Want to go back a little bit if I can so so you you said that you really almost from the day you were born you you had Xma um.

Bradley Marshall
Um, course. Yeah, so yeah, it was bad like it was always my dad was saying to me and I remember this as well like there would be fifty cent size pieces which. Um, for viewers are overseas. That's like the size of an avocado seed around the body all over my legs like there was a point when I was in high school where my whole back was like literally like a pizza. It was just awful and my my shirt would be stuck to my skin and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Ah, dread getting up in the morning going to school and everyone's like worrying about you know? Oh I'm not how do I fit in whatever and I have to deal with that plus just trying to move and then get home and then i. Take off the shirt and it would reopen the wound and everything would be weeping again and bleeding it was just absolutely terrible I mean even in the summer like my friends would be like why are you wearing pants and it's like it's not just because I'm not just because I'm insecure and I don't want to wear shorts because you'll see all the bleeding mess. But it's just.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, ah gosh yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Ah I don't know it's mainly that. But it's like to be honest, it'll be a much easier if I if I wo short to it's it's 100% that but um, yeah, it's it's the whole thing of when you get home and you have to rip it off and it's it's just an awful experience. But it got worse. It got so much worse in the last three years

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, and.

Bradley Marshall
Like I learned to live with that experience like I learned to manage it in the last three years it was just absolutely debilitating like I couldn't even move anymore I was just in bed and I was thinking wow is this the end of my life like am I going to die like this like.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, gosh.

Bradley Marshall
Was projecting my mind into the future like when my parents are going and living by myself who's going to help me like um I don't even know if I can find love like this. This is just ridiculous and so ah yeah I Just knew I had to do something and I never never gave up hope I was always looking for solutions and that's when I.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Like before the carnivore diet I was really doing a year worth of cold water therapy like it's really cold in Melbourne pretty much right now. It's summer and it's like °C you know it's cold in the water like it feels like winter. Um.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, gosh yeah, it's like 35 I think up here in Brisbane at the moment.

Bradley Marshall
It? yeah um yeah I went up there just recently and it's beautiful. Um, but yeah, during the winter I was diving into the freezing water because part of my mind was like you know, maybe maybe the reason people can't cure themselves. Of this eczema is because they're not willing to push themselves to the edge like I am like I did a lot of research into these in in Melbourne they call themselves. What do they call themselves the yeah iceberggers and so the people who just dive into the water every day and there's 1 person who had nerve damage in his legs.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Okay, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
And he couldn't walk properly and every time he'd go into the water the freezing water. He'd come out and his nerves would somehow reset themselves that he could walk perfectly. Well yeah so I thought to myself you know so I was I was really searching for answers that were like not traditional because I spent 20 years

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Wow! yeah.

Bradley Marshall
In the standard medicine like of the procedures they give you I tried all the steroid creams increasing increasing in potency all the time every year I tried Ella Del for my face which is great. Um I tried uv treatment I tried um wrapping my skin in like.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Honey and bananas and lettuce and like I tried homeopathy and natutropathy like every single thing I could find and none of it worked. So I said you know what I'm going to try to take this into my own hands I'm going to look for things that people don't really think about like what about cold water therapy. So yeah, so of that.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
I said what about sauna what about sweating avatoxins. So did that? Um, there was even a crazy period in my life which people could just mock. But I really thought maybe it was something to do with the radiation of like the phones and like maybe it was something to do with. Dried out my skin or something so I know Dr Mccola talks about it and a lot of people just think he's a quack but you know a lot of people think Paul Celudino is a quack so he he sells these like emf shielding around his bed. So I bought that and I was trying experimenting in.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
These faraday cages which basically eliminate all radiation. So I was trying that but it got really bad because it turns out I had contact Dermatitis with the silver in the emf shielding that just set me off and I was like nut do that.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Ah, wow, yeah yeah, just made it worse Gosha and I think I think that just goes to show the the lengths that you were having to go to um to try and get answers. Um.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, yeah, but what people speak.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
What was and I think you know people that that seek out you know naturopaths homeopathy and so on I think in my experience you know when I talk to these kind of patients because the work that I do I end up seeing a lot of these kind of patients as well and they usually say that you know the reason they go to these alternative practitioners is because. Desperate because the the standard conventional medicail system is basically said sorry we can't help you you know, go off and just just be miserable. Basically um, was was that kind of your experience. What? what? What were the doctors kind of saying was your.

Bradley Marshall
Um, that yeah basically.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah, oh.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Projection You know your your kind of outcome likely to be with this xma.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, well most of my life. They just had the steroids but recently obviously they have depixant now. So all the doctors were saying to me you know I was when I went to hospital last year that was the last time I went to hospital around April they said to me, you know you know I was thinking about moving to Brisbane because I love the humidity.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Um, I actually have a humidiify in my room for that very reason so there's a lot of things I'm doing um and it basically said you don't have to move to Brisbane you just just go on to psin like you're a pianist. You don't you shouldn't you should be able to play the piano take to pixen you will be able to eat whatever you like and everything will be fine and. That concerned me because oh firstly everyone was always talking to me saying you know why are you? so like averse to trying de pixan first of all I didn't like the fact that you have conjunctiveitis in the eyes.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Like some cases are so extreme that they they literally get cataracts and and corneal damage Other people are gaining weight they they go out into the sun and they notice they burn more easily. Um, there's all these problems and some people even talk about liver damage and and organ damage and the way I was.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Researching it and and looking up Paul Saladino and all of these um alternative health practitioners they were. They were constantly saying talk about the root cause like what's happening inside your gut. What are you eating? You're literally expressing all of these toxins through you so through your skin like with the steroids. It's suppressing it.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
And then when you suppress it it like some of these people were talking about then it manifests deeper like into asthma or then in allergies and so I had all 3 when I was growing up I had asthma allergies Eczema and so like that's it's just like some people talk about when you're driving. It's like you see the petrol sign lighting up and instead of actually. Filling the tank with more petrol. You just put a steroid as a metaphor like just some um sticky tape and cover it and then everything's Fine. You know so like I Just think that if my body is releasing all these toxins out in my skin. That's that's that's its pathway that's trying to release the toxins from my body.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Stick her over? yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
It's it's probably I just from the research I was doing and it's not my opinion. These are the the thoughts of these like I think Paul Seliduno and and choan Baker talks about this It's like you're blocking the pathway of the expression of of the toxins in your body and so you want to be able to release that. Um. And and like I have friends who are on methotrexate right now for arthritis and they they look really, they look really inflamed and it really concerns me um, he he says things like if I like he asked the question to the doctor. How long am I going to be on this and say well until you improve and so.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
It kind of just sounds like to me, you're going to be on this for the rest of your life and I don't want to be taking 2 injections per month 24 per year and 440 whatever in 20 years it's like I'd rather feel it holisticically.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, it's absolutely a certainly a lot and and some of these medications depix in is a monoclon and antibody Meotrek say you know these are very heavy duty medications. You know these are not kind of ah yeah, just you know take some irbuprofen or paracetamol you know these are.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Very heavy duty medications you know, real serious side effects and and yeah, a lot of people end up on these for a very long time if not the rest of their life they try and come off them and they they really struggle. Um, what? what did the? what did the doctors then tell you what are the dematologists.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
That's right.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Say when you you were declining the depix and then what what was their take on that then.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah, yeah, well they they of course like I I didn't want to sound crazy to them. So I like I was just trying to justify it like look I go on these. Online like oh online. But so immediately they shut it down but like there's these forums that I go on where every single like there's so many australians there that have eczema it's called a depican page and they literally report their symptoms and it's for me looking at it. It's like fifty fifty some of them say it's perfect. Miracle drug I'm so happy on this other people say ah my eye is covered in pass and I can't see properly now and I would have rather just have the xma than this and it's really you know it's. The opportunity cost is. It's hard to choose between the two and I I was instantly swayed against it. No never I mean I mean no never I mean like even even Sean Baker like talks about the diet to his.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, did they ever talk to you about your diet as a potential cause for your expert Really never.

Bradley Marshall
Clients ah, he's his his patients and he gets his these license revoked um from the story I remember from these Joe Rogan podcasts like they they question him and threw him out. Yeah, it's like so I understand even if there a.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, yeah I think he's had issues in the past? Yeah yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Doctors like yourself out there that are willing to help and want to. It's like it's not just it's not just ah going against the grain like they they might attack you and remove your license and it's just messy.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
It certainly can happen I mean there is a case some people may know that Dr Gary fecky he was an orthopedic surgeon that was advising his patients on on low-carb diets. Um, and yeah, basically I mean the long story short he was suspended for I think about 2 two and a half years

Bradley Marshall

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, for giving dietary advice as an orthopedic specialist and and and basically you know Diettetics Australia I think were the ones that if I recall weren't happy with it. They they you know, dobbed him in so to speak and and then apra the regulatory body for doctors then got involved and suspended him under great pressure. And then eventually reversed it and reinstated him and said it's all it's all fine. Thankfully you know since then that's that's paved the way for other doctors to start to talk a bit more about our diet and and how it you know we can help people with our health which is insane that it took that level to.

Bradley Marshall
Greenspacing space on fight.

Bradley Marshall
Let me got it.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Kind of allow people a bit more freedom to actually discuss diets something as as a gp like I mean I do like 20 times a day and you know, but technically I'm not actually allowed to do. It's crazy laws. You know here in Australia medical like practice laws is just ridiculous, but we're kind of allowed allowed to do it now.

Bradley Marshall

Bradley Marshall
Um, is.

Bradley Marshall

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, did they did they ever mention anything like dairy or you know anything in the diet because that's a fairly common one that we would talk to people about is maybe some triggers did they ever mention that at all.

Bradley Marshall
Um, I've I've been to a fair few dermatologists around the years like at least 10 to 20 and I remember when I was in high school like I went up to one of my dermatologists and I I asked him like when I eat Mcdonald's my ex-ma flares up. Do you think mcdonald's is bad for me. And he said there's not really any correlation between food and eczema I think you know spicy foods. It might be bad because it it actually infllames your skin but apart from I don't see any reason to believe that you eating Donald's would cause any flareups and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
I'm like what about pools of chlorine when I dive into the chlorine water I feel like it irritates my skin. There's no evidence of that. So since I was like 13 I haven't I honestly never heard any doctor recommend anything to do with diet.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Wow that that kind of just plays my mind really because I mean it's some of the first things that I bring up with people when I see x-mera is okay, what are you eating? you know that's just that's just crazy and even then you were telling them. Okay, this is my experience. They were basically telling you well well no, it's not.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Um, that's right? Yeah, yeah, that's exactly right? like they would. They would think like you know there's no evidence of that sir. Obviously you're just conflating the 2 and you're wrong.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Ah, pretty much.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, guy Yeah is the story we we we do hear quite often. Unfortunately, um, what? what do they say them when you know did you did you tell them that you were doing this car of or diet. Ah, do they know now.

Bradley Marshall
Well I yeah I think I said it before um I went back I'm not sure if I said it actually I went back to a doctor that I've been seeing um in in Monash Medical Center I was I was visiting the doctor and basically I went up to him and said look at my skin.

Bradley Marshall
How good it it looks and he said that's pretty amazing. What you? what are you using and then I pulled out Paul Saladino's book the kind of a code as ah, this is what I've been following and he said well there's no evidence for this and if you really think it's helping you I can still see that.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
There is still some marks on your body. So it's not completely healed. You could still use depixen. Um, and you know you might be conflating the 2 and some some doctors that I talked to even went as far as to say could be placebo that you just think that it's healing you.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Does it matter if if if it's healing you. It's healing. You does it does it really matter if it's placebo I mean.

Bradley Marshall
It's not yeah oh I don't think it all to me it matters I think because I'm I've tried. 20 years worth of experiment like of drugs not experimental but actual drugs that they've recommended to me and each time I've gone in with the mindset that this might cure and cure me and so I went into the same mindset with the carnivore. So I don't.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, yeah, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Think that like just for my own in my own mindset I don't think it would have been a placebo if I went in every single time thinking it would work and the placebo could have worked each of those times. Why would it suddenly start working now for the placebo off for the carnivore. Yeah yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, absolutely I mean I know it's not placebo I mean I work with a lot of patients with this of course. But yeah, it's interesting. They were still kind of trying to almost push that that onto you like they just kind of couldn't accept that.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, points push and that but tear expect to make expression for themselves where it is unfortunate something. Yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Maybe you just manage to actually cure yourself without their help which is which is interesting. We do sometimes see that unfortunately um, all of this must have taken a ah pretty big toll on your mental health did that was that ever affected with all of this.

Bradley Marshall
Must be taken a completely taught mental. Yeah, it was a really long journey I was reading survival books I was reading books of Edward Shackleton who journeyed into the antarctic and was lost for 2 years and sailing the cold waters and all of them have frostbite on their feet and they they're trying to find their way back to shore but they can't. These are the things that were keeping me buoyant mentally I was reading people going up to Mount Everest and just survival stories and I said you know this is this is my own kind of war and it got dark. You know, but I never I couldn't allow myself to give up hope because I knew if I lost.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
My sense of grip with the world then you know it's It's so correlated like if you feel stressed my Eczema would just exacerbate. So if I if I lose my sense of hope to live how much would it accelerate downhill.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
I said you know I have to the thing is though like I've got I've said this in other podcasts I've got this delusional quality about me where I really think there's an answer even if there isn't you know and I I just couldn't believe that there was not an answer I said this is not my life I didn't so like I didn't sign up so wrong, not Rob the wrong word but I didn't.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
On and.

Bradley Marshall
I'm not going to live this life where I'm just pinned to my bed for the rest of my life and if doctors if 99% of doctors are going to tell me that there is no cure I just don't believe it I'm going to try to find something. So yeah, that's why I went I went everywhere like I was cold water therapy sauna I was trying the email shielding I was trying the humidififys.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Find that 1% yeah ah yeah.

Bradley Marshall
And then finally I found the carnivore diet. So that's why you were asking before. Um, what was your mindset like when he asked you to do the carnivore diet like so I was really open to everything like I was trying everything chinese herbs anything. Um so and I was trying it at least thirty days so I was willing to try it and I always would give it.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Are a.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, and.

Bradley Marshall
Heavy research as well I would never just go into it blindly like I was always doing what's this going to do to me.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Absolutely I mean everyone that I talk to about it. You know I tell them ah do do your own research. You know here's here's some studies you can look out here's some papers and so forth. Um, you know here's the principles of it. But you know go and do your own research if you want to talk more. You know like come back and see me I'll ever push it on anyone. Um.

Bradley Marshall
So do give a question.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
What has the um, anyone else kind of said to you like you know friends family like your parents now that they see your skin. What are they saying about it and the carnivore diet.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, yeah, well my dad was actually like to me what a miracle like I didn't believe you would cure it like you know you know we we had the best intentions for you. Our whole lives like I was trying to help you. And I thought I could help you by getting these in middiiers and by putting you on these creams and taking you every day to these uv treatment centers but really in in seven weeks you cured yourself by taking it into your own hands and just eating meat like what a miracle who knew it was just meat. So.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, that was my dad's reaction I mean there's a whole mix of different reactions like the placebo reaction was from a few of my friends as well. Who's studying medicine like not not not anywhere in my literature does it say like he's like this is my field I'm like you know I'm not saying it's not your field like but like he's like there's nothing nothing that says.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, oh yes.

Bradley Marshall
That diet would affect your skin like that. So I'm pretty sure it's you conflating the 2 and it's placebo. Um, those are those are pretty much the standard reactions but most people are supportive. They're like wow look look at you obviously it's it's healed you and we can't deny that um, what a.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
What a miracle and you know their their eyes have been open to the to the amazing power of the kind of a diet.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
I Think certainly more people are becoming open to the idea that that diet can make a difference in their lives. Um, and and whether you kind of you know, go go carnivore or vegan I mean obviously we know where we sit on that. But.

Bradley Marshall
But I think that's right has been most.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Think everybody's just just a lot of people are sick of being sick you know and that that they're trying to find ah another way. That's why people explore explore their diet. Um, did you ever think about going vegan to see if that helped you at all.

Bradley Marshall
I tried for a week but this was before my um before I had extreme Eczema like I was I was trying veganism for like I want to do it more than a week but I just couldn't last longer than a week because I was already allergic to beans. Legumes.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Nuts So a lot of the protein supplements I couldn't already have and after a week I Just just got really sick and I just couldn't do it I I forget the book I was reading but it was it was a study that I was reading of the benefits of vegan diets and so I wanted to give it a shot and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah I think I've lasted maybe like a day on a on a plant based diet before it's just it's yeah, it's not. It's not for me. That's for sure. But um, so um, yeah I just wanted to you know, see if you'd if you'd done that you've been on this now for well like seven months I think you said.

Bradley Marshall
But yeah I just couldn't last and. Um, yeah, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, but seven months yeah before you go on my sister actually went on the vegan diet quite a long time and she ended up returning to a kind of ancestral diet. She calls it like she eats quite a lot of food but but like the focus is meat and cheese.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
And so that's why she calls it ancestral and she said you know I've never been more sick than I was on a vegan diet. So it's it's kind of there's ah, there's a discussion to be had on why is there so much Propaganda is the wrong word but like why is there so much dissemination.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, interesting.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Ah, vegan diets everywhere you look and and hardly anything and actually not just anything but Rebuke and and vilification of the kind of a diet like yeah who knows.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, it's it's yeah, it's it's fascinating I mean red red meat and and saturated fat. You know it's It's so demonized. Um, you know grossly Unfairly and you know I put a picture on instagramm the other day you know, um I don't think I've ever met single patient that.

Bradley Marshall

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
I suggested eating more red meat and then they came back and said it didn't work. You know they all just feel better eating more red meat and it's almost linear the more they eat the more the better they feel and it's just yeah, it's just it's totally just just demonized and vilified and and and I mean this goes back to you know 1960 s anselkes and cholesterol and and so forth.

Bradley Marshall
Um, well yeah, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Um, you know and case exactly. Um, yeah, um, yeah, yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
But um and the sugar research foundation and all that stuff and I'm covering that and another rep episode later on on Cholesterol I went Bor the listeners with all that that all of that story. But it's yeah, it's's ah, it's been. You know a long time just just demonized and it's fascinating because you know if you if you look at the charts The graphs of of consumption of food.

Bradley Marshall

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
You know, compared to um, you know Chronic Disease red meat is going down consumption of red meat is going down consumption of saturated fat is going down consumption of seed oils is going up consumption of sugar is going up and what are the chronic diseases doing that they're all going up.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, rightuming. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's going up. Yeah autoimmune diseases going up at the rate of 3 to 9% per year and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
All skyrocketing. Yeah, all going up. You know mental health getting worse you know cancer getting worse and dementia getting worse I mean you know 50 sixty years ago. The idea of going into a nursing home was was pretty alien to most people and now it's just standard.

Bradley Marshall

Bradley Marshall

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
You know, um, and and and yet we're doing the things that they tell us to do. We're on the whole the evidence shows people are following the nutritional advice yet. Everything's getting worse it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to say well hang on. Do we have it the wrong way round. You know.

Bradley Marshall
So yeah, yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Can be help. Yeah, you know I love like want with.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
And that's what I think a lot of people like us are are looking at and saying yeah maybe we do let's explore and then we're finding that that benefit. Um, where do you plan on going from here because you've been doing it now for seven months do you plan on just carrying it on now are you are you going to stop or.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, but let's explore Yeah and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
What's your journey looking like now. Do you think.

Bradley Marshall
Well I've been trying to reintroduce some foods and so every time I Do there's always reactions which are unfortunate like sometimes like I can I have a food Journal. So every time I Retroduce a new food if it has a terrible reaction I Just avoid that indefinitely. But I'm I'm at the moment I'm trying to find a palate of food that I can eat without having severe reactions that is not just Meat. So My main thing I'm going to stick with meat mainly but I'm going to try to aim for a more Carnival ancestral kind of Diet. So cheese and Dairy really disagrees with me but I'm starting to reintroduce things like a bit of apples avocado coconut sashimi Those those are my additions now but apart from that it's still testing.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
I'm still testing like I'm in the testing phase now. Um just on a point you said before like um'm talking about Ansell Keys and and there's there's like another author I Forget the author's name but he was a doctor and he he wrote a book called the clot thickens and he was and I think I'm not sure where he's from but he.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
But he yeah he was basically canceled if you will like he got his license revoked and and he tried his best to like Sue and push back against these the systems that kind of suppress him. But it's just there is an active vilification of.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
This car of all diet and an active um praising and and and like ah dissemination of the vegan diet. So it's like what's going on is is there I don't know I don't know what like it's quickly but people could just.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Push this into the realm of conspiracy very quickly but like what's going on. Do they want us to be sick like or if you look at the world economic forum and you look at Sean Baker's post about how they want us sex or something and it's like what's going on. Yeah, so.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, who knows I mean you you certainly can start to wonder these things and then of course everyone will talk tell you? Well, you're just a conspiracy theorist and and you're a wacko and you know, no, there's no big plot out you know to get people and so on and um, you know I mean I don't.

Bradley Marshall
That's right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Don't necessarily think that you know they're all out togethers and there's a big conspiracy I think it's just ah, probably they just don't know. Yeah, they just don't know they they the power is the B um.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah is is just yeah misinformation. Yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Probably think it's in the best interest of people I don't necessarily think that they're out to suppress the population and so forth I Know some people do um but then you look at? yeah I mean.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, there's actually yeah sorry I was just going to say there was these these these some clinical studies that Dr Paul Mason in Australia was talking about like that were done in like the sixty s which proved that sugar is so much worse for you than ah cholesterol.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, oh yeah, um, hundred percent

Bradley Marshall
And and you're talking about like ldl and and how it's sugar that oxidizes the ldl which causes atherosclelosis not the cholesterol ldl itself and so all of these studies weren't released until recently it's seeming to seemingly all coming out now and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Correct. Yep. Yes.

Bradley Marshall
He was talking about. Why is it coming out now and not before well the reason was according to the study is the people who found funded the study didn't like the ah the answers they didn't like the outcome and say they just stopped the study. It's.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Didn't like the outcome. Absolutely yeah yeah, ah I think you're referring to probably either the Sydney Sydney heart trial or the minnesota um heart trial or whatever. It's called and yeah, these 2 kind of you know, big studies that were done a long time ago that basically.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, on yeah yeah, yeah, Facebook yeah I think.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Pretty much almost proved that ldl was not the cause of Heart disease and they were yeah basically just buried I mean I think I'm not sure which one it was one of them was you know, almost quite literally buried in the ground it was like locked in some storeroom with you know, an unmarked kind of box or something you know and.

Bradley Marshall
Like and moed off store. Yeah I in so much. Yeah, yeah, so yeah, just like.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, and yeah and then it came out and the authors said Well yeah, we just didn't like the outcome So we So we just we just didn't publish it and and it's just like that's just the worst thing you can do as a scientist is just you know do this study and just just never publish it you know because they're just they're people that paid for it. They didn't They didn't like those answers.

Bradley Marshall
And just never and at the for the paint. What? yeah and'

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, and certainly I mean if you look at the the you know the guidelines that's produced. You know people like ah the American Heart Association. You know diabetes Associations across the world and so on you know, if you look at their sponsors who who are who are paying for these these companies these um you know guidelines and so on it's typically. You know pharmacological companies drug companies and and sugar companies and who who stands to benefit from you know, basically demonizing red meat demonizing saturated fat and cholesterol is is drug companies and sugar companies.

Bradley Marshall
So shooting companies exactly.

Bradley Marshall
And last problem new is from that's right.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
You know and and you start to wonder when you look at these things like you said the Sydney heart trial the you know minnesota trial. Why were these you know buried. Um, now there's lots more evidence coming out that ldl cholesterol maybe isn't as bad as as we were leded to believe. In fact, you know 2015 the big ju and bmj I think it was 68 Thousand odd patients. Big big systematic review you know 60 plus year old patients showed it was protective ldl ah was protective against heart disease and all cause mortality and more and more of these these studies coming out. Um, and really I mean.

Bradley Marshall
Let's try.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
You go back to things like the American Heart Association I think it was 2018 I believe they they stopped listing saturated fat as a cause for concern in the guidelines I mean that's probably the biggest paradigm shift we've had in like 60 years

Bradley Marshall
Um, and Facebook but.

Bradley Marshall
4 8 you know? Yeah I yeah yeah isn't interesting. The media' silent is yeah face slice bread. Yeah yeah, welcome.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
And yet they didn't tell anyone just just just just quiet. This is like the biggest thing since sliced bread and and they just yeah, no mention of it at all and and it makes you wonder why wasn't this screamed from the rooftops like this is this is.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, it is so reassuring though it is so reassuring to see this wave of truth really coming out in the medical literature and and all of this facts about the carnivo diet and how good it is starting to be shared with the world.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Such a huge thing.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
It is absolutely I mean that we we don't have long-term data for carnivore and so I make that very clear to all my patients that we don't have that long-term data but there's not a lot of long-term data for other um, you know diets either.

Bradley Marshall

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, this many.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
There's maybe some studies on things like heart disease specifically maybe cancer specifically and so on, but there's not that much studies long-term because nutritional science. You can't just do long-term studies on people. You can't get ethics approval and you know you can't do randomized control trials. You certainly can't double blind them or anything like that.

Bradley Marshall
Rock And so I suppose festival.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
So just observational studies self-reported and you know and so on and but I think we live in a pretty exciting time where there's There's like you said there's a big groundswell of just people wanting the truth and.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, and.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
People wanting to not be sick anymore and people starting to question this this advice that they're given and saying no I'm not sure that's working you know what? what? What's actually going on here.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, it's usually those who are really sick already who like Michaela Petersson or myself or you know those who really try these carnival diets because a lot of body bodybuilders as well. But.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
It's It's those who are sick who have nothing to lose you know because if someone is in the prime of your health. Why would you want to change and especially going onto this carnivore diet that seems ludicrous of just eating meat surely That's not good for you and and I would have been exactly the same you know I would have been exactly in that boat. But um, it it literally takes.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, that's right? Ah yep.

Bradley Marshall
In my case I was at the brink of death and so like so last year around April I would have like according to the doctor I would have died anyway, if had I not come into the hospital and taken steroids and antibiotics and so if I continued along that train I would have continued to be heavily sick and so.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Yes, there's no long-term studies on the carnivore diet but I'm already much more healthier than I was and from how I feel and and I just I just I I assume but I'm pretty sure I will last much longer than I did before.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
And that I think is is a great point I know Dr Sean Baker asks a lot of people on his podcast you know and I'll ask ah you the same you know, theoretically okay, people will tell you okay, it might increase your risk of heart disease would you rather have the slightly increased risk of heart disease or and and be free of your. You know life-threatening debilitating eczema or would you rather have the x-ma and say well at least I won't have a heart attack.

Bradley Marshall
Or yeah, well I with as that as a choice like I'd obviously choose the slight increase in in heart disease. But considering the studies that of Paul Mcport Mason and all of these.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Doctors of the 1 you just talked about before like this. There's not really a sign that the higher ldl levels actually increase ah risktherosculosis. So even then I'm not concerned.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Correct. Yeah, what? what? what have your blood tests so you mentioned before when we were talking. You know your blood tests a little bit. What's what's your blood tests looking like things like your cholesterol and so on.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, um, let me quickly put on my glasses and I'll have a look I've put them here. Um, so basically my blood test. Ah you would you like to share the screen and um, actually this per week bigger.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Ah, not sure if I can on this this Zencaster. But.

Bradley Marshall
Don't worry I'm probably not the best idea of putting my private information online but like but but my general um cholesterol total cholesterol was 6.9 millimol per liter my troglycer I had 0.6 Millimolle

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Ah, maybe not just to general general general vice might be yeah general numbers. Yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Ah, so they said if it's anywhere above zero point like if it's below 0.5 it was good according to Dr Paul Mason so mine's slightly above, but it's the ratio. He talks about of of troglycerides to htl it has to be lower than one which mine is mine is about 0.3 3 3 so that's why I'm not really concerned.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah Wow! amazing.

Bradley Marshall
Um I didn't find any doctors to do this for me. That's why I have to do this for myself I got to research it. So um, yeah, so my troglyzerides is 0.6 my hdl levels are like 1.8 Millimol per Lita my ldl levels is 4.8 and then it says nonhdl. It's five point one. So.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
The the bold ones are total cholesterol htl l um so ldl. So but the other one that concerned me was that ah ast and alt which came out to be 72 um yeah

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yet. A.

Bradley Marshall
You per leader forgive my ignorance ah 30 and then as t was 36 you per li I'm not sure what you is is um.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
9 I us. so right yeah yeah so ast is I mean basically normal now and aott's are a little bit up but not not too much. But I said I mean the triglycerides I mean I was learning back in medical school triglycerides were really the cause of cause of heart disease and aoros sclerosis and and then you know now of course it's all about ldl. But yeah hdl to triglyceride ratio is incredibly important and for anyone that doesn't know and Dr Paul Mason you've mentioned him a few times. Fantastic guy. You've done amazing work. Brilliant Youtube videos definitely go and check out his work there. Um.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, details twice this run and test itself help.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
We’re talking about there the risk of of oxidized ldl damaged ldl which we know is ah is a risk factor for for heart disease and the lower the ratio there of the the HD tragler strike to htl um, ah the then the um you know the less risk this is you know basically um.

Bradley Marshall

Bradley Marshall
Most business business I I like free tell it.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Have you noticed any other improvements through doing the carnivore diet because you you mentioned of course you're ah you're a teacher. You're a music teacher and a maths teacher did you say um, have you noticed any difference in in like your academic performance or your cognitive abilities at all.

Bradley Marshall
Um, as math stage A yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah I'd say so or when I'm rehearsing with my friends I I can last a really long time. Um in the same cognitive state that I start with so and I know. Jordan Peterson talks about this as well. So by the time we're at the end of the rehearsal most of them are like oh I need to have a coffee. Let's call it a day and I'm just like oh really already. So I know that like on the conniwa diet like intellectually you're just so switched on.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, yeah, no I mean I Ah it's just yup, that's it and and how are you finding you know, working out and and exercising on the carnivore diet because you know.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, there's no, there's no fix. It's just like this constant Baseline of energy.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
So people out there say oh you know? Yeah, you need you need loads of carbs and stuff you can't build muscle and carnivo you know, etc I mean what's your experience there of of actually exercising or working out.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, yeah, it's an interesting one I'd have to I'd have to like I'm kind of like as a metaphor a frog in boiling water for instance because like I'd have to compare it with how I was before and from what I remember I mean. I I can't really say there's a huge increase in motivation to work out because usually unfortunately I work out every time I'm itchy which having Xm mouth was very frequently before so I always worked out when I was itchy and even now that my ex-ma is basically gone. Virtually like I mean there's a small amount here and that's because I've been reintroducing foods as soon as I stick to the carnivore diet. It will completely disappear. So ah I'm working out whenever I'm itchy. So even though I'm healed. There's still a sense of.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
People tell me online. It's like you you might have nerve not nerve damage but because your nerves were constantly under attack or constantly sensitive to the pain that you've been experiencing for 3 years it might continue for a bit like. Ghost pain it like when you cut off someone's leg. They still feel their leg. There. So I still get these pinpricks of of pain every now and then and so which is I say every now and then it's it's actually quite often during the week so even though I'm healed. It's still a nonlinear journey which is.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Indefinite because the moment I stop eating carnivore then it's probably going to come back. But um so I'm working out every time I'm I'm in pain or I'm or I'm hurting and and it's itchy. So in terms of have I noticed is it. Better now that I'm on Carnivore. It's hard to say because I usually work out when I'm itchy but I haven't seen any negative effects to be honest, there was a time where I felt a little fatigued and people online were saying you know.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, but you haven't seen any negative effects of of being on carniable.

Bradley Marshall
Food you're eating on kind of like you're always getting rump steak which is basically not much fat at all the the amount of fat to protein ratio that you're eating is probably not enough fat. So I found possibly I was fatigued because I wasn't having enough fat. So I've been increasing the amount of fat intake in my diet I've been having more. Um.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Ah, what you call it lamb chops and and just more T bone steaks and rib highis except they're more expensive Obviously so I've been trying to up my fat intake and I've found my fatigue levels have dissipated. Yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
They they are? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah now I mean that definitely can be an issue and like lack of fat I think because a lot of people they used to is just eating low fat even in the back of their minds. You know if they're not even trying to be low fat you know and ah and I used to do it. You know you'd.

Bradley Marshall
That's right? yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
I Remember telling my mom you know to to pour the pour the grease off the um off the bacon you know pour pour the fat out of the mints. Um, you know you know just you shouldn't be eating it. It's bad for you. You know back back in the back in the day and I think a lot of people do that just just naturally anyway because there's just it's slow.

Bradley Marshall
And we have to.

Bradley Marshall
Programmed into us. It's counter of achiive. Yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
So ingrained. Yeah, um, and I think people aren aren't used to eating that much fat. Um, cognitively you know so and but yeah I mean certainly things like ribeyes and so on yeah like that they're they're pretty pretty expensive here in Australia we're lucky I think most of our meat is of of good quality. But yeah, it's it's.

Bradley Marshall
That's right? yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Can be pretty expensive. That's for sure. Um, we're we're running out of time a little bit here. Um I just wondered if you had any and it's been amazing to talk to you Bradley and I appreciate you sharing your story so much. It's an absolutely amazing story and and definitely.

Bradley Marshall
Help odd since it's been amazing.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Anyone that's listening or watching you know on Youtube definitely should go and check out Bradley's ah Instagram I'll put the link in there in the buy in the description and the the pictures you know of his a-ma and so on I mean it's truly amazing. The difference. It's really made for him. Um, do you have any? um. Yeah, any tips or kind of advice for anyone. That's maybe you know struggling with with their eczema or interested perhaps in in looking for alternative therapies or trying you know the carnivore diet would you say would you have any advice for anyone.

Bradley Marshall
And he has come with that for.

Bradley Marshall
Um, I'd have to say keep your mind like open to the idea of the car of or Diet. It's very easy to be skeptical and to just switch off and say you know is fad Diet. So I'm not going to try this and or you know it's very easy to just. Have complete blind faith in the medical system and doctors and which I had for 20 years and so sometimes it's unfortunate because it gets to the point where I mean some doctors discredit topical Steroid Withdrawal which is what happens When. You basically become addicted to ah steroids and you're no longer like you've reached the highest potency and your body can no longer your your body is forced and to withdrawal because it's so addicted to it and it's yeah, it's just it's like heroin when you when people take heroin.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, a.

Bradley Marshall
Um, you can't get the hit anymore and so you need a higher dose a higher dose a higher dose high dose and then finally you've got to the highest. It's no longer works anymore and so that they call topical stereoid withdrawal. It usually gets to the point where you have to reach that point before people start questioning medicine and. And their doctors and the mainstream of medicine that they give you and it it shouldn't be that way. You should I guess if if only people were willing to just try diet earlier on possibly you could avoid these huge. Ah, illnesses possibly even cancer. You know Sean Baker was interviewing ah, ah this um, ah beautiful asian lady who just recently cured herself of cancer purely because she went on the carnivore diet and so probably she wouldn't even have to go there. Had she introduced a carnivore diet.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Possibly Yeah I mean if if if if apra is listening. We can't say that that kind of always a cure for cancer and we can't We can't say that Um, but you know it goes to what we call the metabolic mitochondrial theory of cancer. Um.

Bradley Marshall
Earlier on you see so.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
And the idea there that you know really cancer cells just just feed on primarily glucose and without the glucose without the sugar that that theoretically then you can starve them and and and and kill them off and theoretically you know the the most perfect chemotherapy we can have um, but yeah, we can't officially say that.

Bradley Marshall
Um, yeah for none of this is medical advice is yeah yeah, but basically I'd love to you know, just like if if you're out there and you have an illness like or even if you're not even if you don't have an illness and you're in your twenty s like it's great to set a routine.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, kind of was a kill for cancer I'll get my license revoked. It's not medical. Advice is generic in nature. You know Insert disclaimers.

Bradley Marshall
Now when you're young and or if you're not young like um, you're not in your twenty s and you're like 30 above and you're finding yourself even you don't have an illness perhaps just try. Um, you know the best thing you can do for yourself is exercise and and diet those 2 before before like as you know it's so easy. If you're choosing quick fix pill versus change your lifestyle. Everyone goes for the quick fix pill. Yeah, you need to set up the the right routines early on you know lifestyle exercise like I've got this routine where I go in the sauna in the morning then go into the ocean regardless of whether it's summer or winter and then.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Carnivore diet and exercise every day no breaks and so that's what's keeping me alive and you know if people had a routine like that they wouldn't even need to go to the doctor.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Well yeah I mean I I would love to be out of a job if I'm if I'm out of a job I've I've done my job and and and and move on there. There will always be more patience. There will always be be. You know people get sick. So.

Bradley Marshall
Um, I better not suggest that and that's right.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Um, but yeah, genuinely like if I if I ever you know can have a job because everyone's cured I mean I'm I'm a very happy man you know? Um, but no I think that's just great advice and and I'd say you know same thing to people is just try it. You know and and just see how you feel if you don't agree with it. Great fine doesn't work. No problem.

Bradley Marshall
It's just try. That's right I can see.

Bradley Marshall

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Does amazing. You know roll with it and go and see someone who's who's kind of all friendly and can have that conversation with you and work out. You know the best thing with you basically so um, absolutely I mean I I usually tell people two weeks

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, that's right and thirty days is not going to hurt you like if you just try it for thirty days it's not going to? yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Because two weeks is a little bit more palatable and most people in my experience get benefit in two weeks and then they're not necessarily cured of whatever their issues are but they're they're improving and so they then can see. Okay yes I can see where this is going I'm happy to kind of carry on for those thirty days or sixty days

Bradley Marshall
And where yeah that express.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
If you come out and say right? You've just got to eat meat for thirty days yeah some people aren't necessarily on board with that. Um, some people they're just like right? Where's my mistake. They just they just did just dive right in. They can't wait. Yeah.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, was very I was like thirty days in now I'm seven months in never looking back. Yeah, that's right.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
I was just like right? I'm just going to eat me. Yeah fantastic I'm down for this? Um, but yeah, some people are a little bit more hesitant and you got to maybe ease those in a little bit more but and how can people find you on on social and and just kind of catch up with what with with with what you're doing.

Bradley Marshall
Yeah, ah, yeah, so best place to reach me is Instagram because I'm always posting there. It's my go Bradley Marshall\ official so what I post there is because. I I mainly used instagram before as as a musician and promoting my music that was my music page before but now I'm I'm sharing my story and I kept it secret for so long and only recently now that it's cured I felt like I felt like the world needs to to know this. So i. Kept all of it. Hidden I was covering up my eczema people were even commenting I don't think he even has eczema none of these photos he had x me didn't have Excma before I mean um I didn't promote that I was insecure about it like long story short like when I went on antibiotics and. Um, pregni alone like it would heal my skin up for like two week periods and I would I would film enough content to last me six months giving the illusion that I was healthy so that's the lens I went to prove to people that my skin is fine because obviously the close up my fingers playing the piano. So yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Gosh. Yeah.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar

Bradley Marshall
Um, you'll see it as a music page before but now it's like focusing on Health and so that's my that's my primary page of where you can find me.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and no absolutely um, well look obviously send me send me I've got some of your links already I'll put them in the description below. But anyone that's listening anyone that's watching go fBradley Marshall\ official on Instagram check out his. Amazing. Kind of all success story healing his curing his yeah pretty much almost incurable eczema and and living a life free of this debilitating condition that he had ah thank you so much Bradley for being on the show. It's been an absolute pleasure talking to you very very welcome and.

Bradley Marshall
My pleasure. Thank you so much for having me and yeah, thanks.

Dr Suresh Khirwadkar
Yeah, take care of yourself and and and keep going and yeah, we might get you back on the show at some point down the line and see how we're still going Absolutely take care Thanks for a lot Bradley.


If you are looking for a guide on how to start a carnivore diet, click here

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