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How to start a Carnivore diet (simple tips) - Episode 02
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- Suresh Khirwadkar
- @themeatmedic
How to start a Carnivore diet (simple tips) - Episode 02
In today's episode I discuss:
- Intro
- Starting A Carnivore Diet
- Vegans, WHO and bacon
- Is Carnivore Restrictive?
- What To Actually Eat?
- Why Beef?
- How Does Carnivore Actually Work?
- Plant Toxins
- Patient Experiences
- Coffee
- How To Start A Carnivore Diet
- Calories
- Conclusion
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Starting A Carnivore Diet
If you are interested in starting a carnivore diet, but don't know where to look, make sure you check out my easy yet detailed guide.
How to start a Carnivore diet (simple tips) - Episode 02
Welcome to the Meat Medic Podcast. I'm your host Dr Suresh Khirwadkar.
I'm a GP a lifestyle physician and I'm a practicing carnivore. I've had great success myself personally and with patients by following a carnivore diet and I want to spread the word about the many benefits of eating meat.
I didn't go into that much detail about the actual physical how - as in what I actually eat, so I thought it would be a good idea to do an episode discussing this it's a question I get asked myself quite a lot by my patients and I see it come up a lot on the various internet groups and forums that I'm part of.
Starting A Carnivore Diet
Some find it quite difficult to start carnivore but for me I guess it was pretty easy actually.
I'd always enjoyed eating quite a lot of meat so it wasn't too difficult for me and when I went to the low carb down under 2022 here in Australia and listened to the talk by the amazing Dr Anthony Anthony Chaffee - the plant free MD and after completely blowing my mind I've researched a little more and really just decided to take the plunge.
To say I was a little nervous was probably an understatement. Just because I decided to do it didn't mean I wasn't scared or worried after all this was going against 38 years of indoctrination that plants- vegetables fruits were good for me and on top of this of course my medical training and education beyond medical school which was constantly pushing the benefits of plants demonizing meat and fat and generally telling us to just eat garbage and it'll make you happy and healthy.
In fact I just listened to a podcast from Dr Sean Baker the namer of the carnivore diet and he was talking with Claire - a healed anorexic turned Carnivore coach and they were discussing the nutrition that she was basically fed via NG tube. You know in hospital this garbage full of carbs seed oils and horrible fake protein, as if that'll make you healthy somehow rather than eating actual proper Whole Food.
Anyway I've had 38 years of indoctrination and all my medical training fighting with me to keep eating plants but thankfully I can be pretty stubborn and committed when I want to be, and so I just went for it pretty much cold turkey. One day I eat plants the next I didn't. All plants were gone. No fruit no honey no sugar no herbs no spices no tea no coffee no bread no sugar nothing.
I went from drinking four to six cups of coffee a day to zero. I'd gone off of coffee before and I knew it wouldn't be pleasant but I was determined. I was a huge fan of herbs and spices I mean I put cayenne pepper and black pepper on pretty much everything, mixed herbs, garlic on everything and I was used to bulking my meals up with vegetables because, well they were cheaper and because I was always so hungry so this was a pretty big change for me actually. I actually started out by doing what they call BBBE - beef butter bacon eggs salt and water. That was it it's pretty basic.
I ate ground beef steak roasts and Chuck - quite a bit of Chuck actually. Chuck is a great steak and a great cut because here in Australia it's actually one of the cheapest cuts and it's actually quite fatty. Now we want the fat as we know on carnivore it's around the same macro kind of profile as rib eye so around 50/50 on grams and around 25/75 on calorie macros. It's a pretty tasty cut but you do need to cook it differently to a normal steak, unless you get it sliced very thinly into what they call minute steaks. You really can't just slap it on the pan or the barbecue for a quick sear and then eat it. It'll be tough and chewy and probably not very tasty. It really benefits from being braised or slow cooked. I typically cook mine over an hour or two on a relatively low heat maybe with a quick sear at the end. This is what we call reverse searing, or just maybe in the slow cooker.
I used to use a lot of pressure cooking actually but I don't know why I just find a slow cooker just produces a nicer meat texture and flavor as well I actually find the same with brisket which I love as well. Sure the pressure cooker is gray in a pinch and if you can it's fine use it but if if you can I'd really rather I'd really recommend slow cooking if possible. Sometimes I'll even just slow cook it for a couple of days. Probably a bit excessive but it tastes amazing. Try for yourself and see if you can notice a difference between slow cooking and pressure cooking.
Anyway when I started out on Carnivore I basically just jumped straight into it a little bit of research but just jumped straight into it really and I started eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, beef for lunch, and beef for dinner cooked in butter usually and pretty much just water to drink. I wasn't particularly concerned around my electrolytes as I knew that salting the meat would most likely be sufficient from some previous research and experience with doing fasting and prolonged fasting, and how my body reacted to that I knew I'd probably be okay. I know many out there do use electrolyte drinks like lmnt and drinks like that. I'm not sure how required they really are. I guess everybody's body is slightly different - probably not really the underlying physiology - we're all human species but we're also coming from our own different backgrounds of health and we'll have different issues that could affect them in different ways and how their body handles things, so I think there is some Credence to the idea that everybody's a little bit different anyway.
Vegans, WHO and bacon
So I was eating beef, bacon, butter and eggs and I started posting pictures of what I was eating on my Instagram and Facebook page and of course as expected I got some Flack from my Vegan patients, but I figured you know whatever I posted they would object to so whatever. Interestingly it was mostly the bacon that they objected to though, citing sources like the World Health Organization saying it would give me bowel cancer and I was irresponsible for posting such pictures and encouraging people to eat bacon.
Now I'll cover this later in more depth in another episode but its a little complex but to simplify it, bacon is actually very very low risk. The main concerns around bacon are around nitrates and the World Health Organization - WHO and vegans love to tell us it'll cause cancer and it's worse than smoking. In fact I've seen it bandied around that you know one slice of bacon is worse than five cigarettes. Really? One piece of bacon is worse than five cigarettes? Okay not only is this factually incorrect, it is pretty much a complete distortion of of the truth. The World Health Organization classified processed meat as a Class 1 carcinogen in the same category as smoking, but they are totally different.
A 2015 Harvard University review article showed that smoking is over 20 times more harmful than processed meats.
Hardly the same.
The dangers of processed meat really are nitrates and what we call ages Advanced Glycosylation End products (AGES). I'll discuss these in more detail in future episodes again but they really aren't that much of a concern actually, AGES can be significantly reduced by the type of cooking that you do and cooking on a lower heat will reduce them significantly, and nitrates actually aren't even carcinogenic. It's nitrosamines that are the concern and again these can be significantly reduced, again by cooking on a lower heat.
If indeed nitrates are actually carcinogenic then you bloody well better stop eating those salads and veggies. That's right.
Spinach, bok choy, carrots, even that little lettuce has got far more nitrates in than a slice of bacon
But the vegans won't tell you that approximately 100 grams of bacon has a round off memory about 480 micrograms of nitrates. 100 grams of lettuce possibly the most inert thing in nature has about 280 milligrams of nitrates. Now you might think that's half as much but we're talking milligrams now not micrograms and a milligram is a thousand times the microgram so 280 milligrams is significantly more than 480 micrograms.
Anyway I got a little sidetracked there as I said I'll cover it in another episode.
So I was eating bacon beef butter eggs and drinking water.
I felt great within a couple of days. I mean I just felt absolutely incredible. Like a veil had just been lifted off my entire life, I had Boundless Energy and felt truly, amazing so I just carried on.
Over the last few months I've refined my, diet a little working out what works for me and what doesn't and I certainly don't eat the same thing every meal or every day. That could get a bit boring. Although I'm actually pretty fine with just eating the same thing every day
- when I lost my weight initially I pretty much just ate rice and salmon fillets three times a day for three months so I'm pretty used to just eating a straightforward diet. Now this is a complaint I hear quite a lot:
Is carnivore restrictive?
I heard this almost exclusively from people who haven't actually tried the carnivore diet. They say that the diet is boring but they haven't even actually really tried it. Most people that do carnivore say that this way of eating is anything but boring. They, and I, would argue - why is it boring if you're eating what you want to eat? How is that restrictive?
You know I can maybe see it getting boring but restrictive? No. No way.
Iit's not restrictive to eat what you want to eat
That's the definition of not restrictive. You're eating what you want to, but yeah some people think this way of eating can become a little bit repetitive and some people do better than others with this so if you think you're someone who needs some variety thenadd variety.
What to actually eat?
You don't need to eat chuck roast three times a day for the rest of your life. Vary it up a little bit. Add different cuts of beef in like roast top side or Silverside. I absolutely love corned Silverside otherwise known as corned beef. It's cured in salt and it's delicious.
I love eating it freshly roasted or if it's cooled down then thin slices.
I'm English so I'm used to a lot of roasts but if that's not your thing then go for mince or steaks.
Now you don't need to be eating 120 day aged wagyu Rye rib eyes are you know they are like $150 a kilo. You can go for cheaper beef like ground beef usually around 10 to 20 a kilo here in Australia depending on the quality. It's absolutely fine the main complaint with ground beef really is that it's actually too lean. You know in this age of fat is bad it's hard to get ground beef that hasn't had most of the fat removed already.
I personally try to go for four star meats from the butcher which will usually be somewhere between 10% and 15% fat I believe. I certainly don't go for the ultra lean five-star versions because we want the fat. Having said that 20 fat versions from the supermarket or 18 whatever it is they kind of just taste bad to me. I don't know what it is about them I don't think it's the fat I just don't know the quality of the meat they use maybe so I don't know I just don't tend to buy them because I don't like the taste, but you know you can do what you like.
If you're really nice to your butcher they might actually grind up some Chuck for you which is great. It should be about 50/50 in terms of calories or even just make up 50/50 (50% fat, 50% protein by weight) you know if you ask them nice enough.
Like you know Dr Chaffee likes the 50/50. Ground beef is very versatile you can just eat it straight, make burger patties, sausages, meatballs whatever. It's also pretty cheap and it's easy to cook, requires little to no preparation and if you want to push the boat out a bit yeah go for steaks. Now I think most people would love to be eating Ribeyes all day long, and I actually did a poll on one of my Carnivore groups and probably 90 of people said ribeye was their favorite steak.
Not surprising but for most people and certainly me that's just not feasible to eat it every day because of the cost. So what other steaks can you go for? Cost flavour and texture vary a lot so it's really hard to give them a recommendation on what you should eat, but I'd favor cuts Like oyster blade otherwise known as flat iron if you want a cheap steak it's around 60 protein and 40 fat by calories so it's reasonable. It tastes good and if you cook it just a little bit slower it will be quite tender sorry it's 60 protein 40 fat in grams not calories so it's not quite 50 50 but it's pretty close. It's also quite cheap compared to other cuts.
Now if you can spend a little bit more, going to something like rump will be a nice upgrade but the fat is actually quite low in a rump steak. I used to think rump was actually quite high in fat but it's actually quite low so you might need to add additional fat sources like butter or beef rallow for example.
The next one I'd probably go for would be porterhouse otherwise known as New York strip. You can do sirloins but again like rumps they're relatively low fat. A porterhouse is delicious. Delicious steaks and one of my favorite steaks actually full of flavor pretty easy to cook and a really good protein to Fat ratio but we're getting a little bit pricey now.
You know here in Australia Supermarket grain fed looking around 40, maybe 35 dollars a kilo.
Then of course we've got things like rib eyes and red fillets. I actually prefer the rib eye which is with the bone-in over rib or Scotch fillets. Theoretically it's the same but I don't know why rib fillets just just don't taste the same to me and I actually just really much prefer rib eye on the bone. It's meant to be the same but I dunno it just tastes different to me. It's actually slightly cheaper as well, probably because it's got the bone in still but I mean that's just a bonus. Unfortunately you can't really get any marrow from ribeyes - that would be great but never mind. Now I'm not eating Ribeyes every day so I can't afford that but it's a lovely treat every now and then.
You've got things like T-Bones so on if you need to save money of course. Y-Bones as well you know these are certainly good options but Y-bones again like Chuck you have to cook for a bit longer in fact I actually had a T-bone tonight it's absolutely delicious.
Why beef?
Now hang on, some of you might be thinking, pretty much all he said is beef. What about other meat?
Well the reason we talk about beef so much is because it's one of, if not the most bio available meat source we have and at least anecdotally tends to make people feel the best. I know I certainly feel much better on beef than I do on other meats.
Lamb is a relatively distant second for most people and white meat like pork and chicken is really not ideal for the majority of our diet.
There's nothing that's terribly inherently wrong with pork and chicken but there are a few issues.
So for one it contains little fat which is why we're told to eat it because it's a lean meat, but we need the fat. Fat is extremely important and there's a very good reason why most say we should aim for around 70 to 80 percent fat from calories.
The fat that it does have it's also very high in omega-6. The Omega 6 to Omega-3 ratio is quite high and it has more unsaturated fat that red meat. Now many people tell you this is a good thing you know, unsaturated fat can lower LDL cholesterol , but we're not actually really concerned with LDL cholesterol anyway. I'll be covering cholesterol in future episodes but cholesterol is also a lie.
Omega-6 is known to be inflammatory for some people, even though it's essential. We certainly don't want a lot of it. It outcompetes omega-3 and omega-9. We also don't necessarily want unsaturated fat it's more unstable.
Unsaturated fat means unstable
Stability of fat is very important because the more stable a fat is the less prone to oxidation it is, and oxidation is very very bad. It's why we're told correctly to eat lots of antioxidants. Oxidation is extremely dangerous in the body and is the main reason why seed oils are very very harmful.
Now I'll do another episode on this alone but briefly the way the seed oils are manufactured usually makes them heavily oxidized and inflammatory to the body and is a big risk factor for cancer and heart disease. They also tend to be very high in omega-6 again which is pro-inflammatory. Unsaturated fatty acids can also reduce your hormone levels like testosterone and again I'll cover this in another episode.
So this is really mainly why we stick to red meat and particularly fatty red meat, and usually from what we call ruminant animals. Here in Australia you can actually get kangaroo meat quite easily and it's actually cheaper than beef.
I used to eat a fair bit of it but I've gone off it actually lately but it's lean less than two percent fat typically - and that's why we're told to eat it - but I mean well if you've ever seen a kangaroo picture hell they are seriously ripped. We actually we want the fat.
We know that people generally do better on fatty meat, especially women.
Many think Kangaroos are ruminants butdespite the fact they actually regurgitate their food technically they're not actually ruminants. There's actually a process of digestion called merycism which is similar but different. So we don't really want the lean meat and kangaroos aren't really ruminants anyway.
So now we know what we should eat
What about what we shouldn't eat?
Oh well we always already kind of covered chicken and pork but they're okay once in a while, that's not a big deal. Now if you ask anyone pretty much almost anyone they will say they feel better when eating more meat. Pretty much only Die Hard vegans will tell you the opposite, and whilst I often recommend my patients to eat more red meat they almost instantaneously see benefits. The carnivore diet is much much more than just eating more meat though. It's a great start don't get me wrong but there's more to it than that.
How does carnivore actually work?
The Carnivore Diet Works in pretty much four ways:
No sugar
or as close to as humanly possible. There's actually a tiny bit of sugar in meat muscle - glycogen but nothing to really speak of
No chemicals or additives
This is a really big part of the carnivore diet. Very few chemicals, no additives, no preservatives, as much as you can possibly do.
High protein and high fat
The third part is really eating more protein and more fat, particularly more fat. Very, very important. Almost everybody doesn't eat anywhere near enough fat.
No plant toxisn
This one is a real kicker. I can't overstate the importance of stopping plant toxins. The difference that plants make is huge. I went from intermittent fasting and keto to carnivore I went from pretty much the best of the best to Carnivore and the results were just simply unbelievable.
That last maybe five percent made well over 95 I think of the difference to me.
I don't know others like Dr Sean Baker and Dr Anthony Chaffee will agree with this. In fact he mentioned at one of his podcasts this morning it's hard to explain and hard to convince people sometimes but that last kind of five percent - taking out those plans really does make all the difference. Almost everyone who does carnivore that I see that isn't getting the results they want I can pretty much guarantee they're still eating some plants.
It may be something small barely noticeable but it could still be causing a problem for them. Something like a simple herb or spice could actually really be derailing you. Some would put coffee in this category as well and I'll do another episode on coffee but like I said personally I'm not actually drinking coffee.
Plant toxins
Now these plant toxins are very, very real and very powerfull.
I know Dr Chaffee has spoken about his experience with roast lamb before with some herbs on it and I've had similar instances, similar issues, as have some of my patients. So my experience was around a month into starting carnivore. I felt truly., truly amazing and then I had to steakette. Now if anyone that doesn't know it's basically a thin square-shaped burger patty I bought them from a good butcher. They weren't some pre-packaged crap but they had some herbs and I assume probably some breadcrumbs to bind it. I didn't really think of this when I bought them but I thought it wouldn't be a big deal and I was actually kind of interested and excited to try them to see what effect they actually had on me.
Oh man I really wish I hadn't I felt awful.
I went from feeling a hundred percent, out of this world, to feeling like I I just wanted to be dead I didn't feel suicidal but I really felt like I just didn't want to exist anymore
It's hard to explain I just lost all my motivation. I went from working out almost twice a day to wanting to throw out my weights within the space of about five minutes. Everything hurt and I just couldn't stay awake. It was like I was on like really bad drugs or something. They lasted around four hours and when it started to go I could actually physically feel myself improving, like, just melting away from me. Eventually around six hours later I felt pretty much back to normal and just wanted to work out again feeling mentally clear feeling great.
It really was one of the most bizarre experiences I've ever had, all from a few small herbs and breadcrumbs.
Well you know maybe it's just coincidence?
Yeah maybe but I've repeated it a few times since with things like sausages, bread crumbs and herbs and had similar experiences. I had a bad experience after some chicken with some, I don't know soy based something sauce on it I just didn't really think about it at the time. I figured oh you know what it's there it's the only thing I've got to eat okay fine I was out with with family , but pretty much it was actually a day later I felt awful and I just wanted to, just not live again.
Thankfully thought this was pretty short-lived. I've done it again with sausages and stuff again like I said and same results I've pretty much stopped trying to reproduce it now because I mean it's very clear that that this is not just coincidence this is this is definitely something.
You know as we often say in science you know one one thing is coincidence two episodes fair enough three makes a trend. So lots of other people report similarxperiences you know all over the carnivore forums and in fact I had a patient today actually who said the same thing from some sausages that she had same experience as me. Now I didn't tell her my experience before she told me so it's not like I led her to it that was just her experience now anyway you might think oh yeah well what's that got to do with anything? Plants don't really have toxins. Yeah I get it can be hard to imagine but I'd challenge you to actually then go out into the forest and eat some random plants.
You don't want to? Why is that? Oh yeah because you're gonna get sick. Exactly plants do have toxins in we know we can't go into the forest and eat random plants. Just open any herbalism book and you'll see them.
Plants can definitely affect your mental health and physical health. We advise people with IBS for example , irritable bowel syndrome to eat a low FODMAP diet. Why would we do that if plants can't affect your gut? It would make no sense. You take cannabis and it'll affect your mental health. Now better or worse doesn't really matter jury's out on that but we all know it will affect you.
If you eat water hemlock you're probably gonna have seizures and die.
The 'plants can't hurt you' yeah right okay how's that Hemlock working out for you?
Okay I'm being a little bit sarcastic there but I want to get the point across.
Don't just trust that plants are inherently good for you. They have defenses to protect themselves and they are using them on you. You've probably developed some resistances but they will still have an effect, just like any drug, so a really big part of carnivore is actually taking out these plants.
Yeah this is what I see people struggling with the most.
I'm not sure I entirely understand why? I guess it probably it just shows the cognitive dissonance that we have developed over the years.
Most people I speak to are desperate to eat more meat, particularly red meat, I guess because they either feel good on it or they just know it's healthy and they want to eat less vegetables because they know that they aren't needed or maybe that they're not even healthy, yet they struggle with the idea of eating no plants. What's more bizarre is that most patients I see have almost always tried exclusion diets of some description, usually including vegan diets and completely taking out all meat yet they're unwilling to try carnivore. Why? Because they can't exclude things. But they've tried excluding things before including an enormous section of a human diet meat, yet they aren't willing to do the same with plants.
Wwhen I really draw down on this they usually tell me that they just cannot accept that plants might be unhealthy after all we all know they are. Right? Well we all knew the world was flat before we knew that it wasn't
Just because something is repeated often it doesn't make it true
I guess the Dogma runs deep.
Patient experiences on carnivore
Eventually after much persuasion I can usually get them to at least try it and every single one has come back raving. Then it's a case of tweaking and fine-tuning but 99 of the work is already done if they go full Carnival.
Now this was illustrated in a study in 2022 by Harvard University showing over 2000 people, almost 2100 people with a near 100 satisfaction rate from carnivore diet. That kind of success is just unheard of
Now yes it was an observational study so it's not the best science but lots of so-called evidence is based on observational studies or epidemiological studies with fewer patients than this, fewer people and nowhere near as much control, so yes there can be some criticisms but I challenge you to show me any study where very close to 100 I think it's about 96 percent of people showed satisfaction with the diet and improvements in every single metric. I challenge you to show me a study like that for any other type of diet.
Now for those who struggle with carnivore and they aren't really seeing the success that they want almost every single time is because they're eating plants so that's where we usually focus. I really try to nail down their diet but it really does depend on them being honest with me
Coffee on carnivore
Even things like coffee or tea, these are plants and can have adverse effects. Sure you'll still see people still happily drinking tea and coffee and that's great for them. Ifit works for you fantastic. I don't know but cool, you do you and that's fine but if you're still having issues you need to take a hard look at what you're eating and take out anything that could cause you an issue.
After all this is why we're doing carnivore in the first place. To me it doesn't make sense to do carnivore and then only do it a little bit. The whole point is Carnivore really is an elimination diet - take out everything that could cause you harm and then maybe you reintroduce it back down the line if you want to.
Most people actually don't want to because they just feel so good without it, but you know some do and that's fine but you worked out what works for you.
How to actually start the carnivore diet
So how do you actually start the carnivore diet? What calories should you be eating? What macros should you aim for? Is there a diet plan?
Well first off no there's no set diet plan (thought I have one available here]) Unfortunately this way of eating really is intuitive and you actually kind of need to work it out for yourself. Basically it's eating when you are hungry, listening to your body and eating what your body needs. Sounds simple, and it is. Sometimes it isn't in the early stages though, your body might be a bit confused - it's been fed so much garbage for so long that it probably doesn't know what proper food even is, so it can be a little bit tricky initially.
You may be super hungry or just actually have no appetite at all. That's okay - your body will adjust. The secret is eat to satiety and eat what your body is telling you to eat.
Satiety means feeling satisfied with how much food you've eaten. Now that's very different to feeling full. We don't want to eat till we're bursting.
The second part is eating what your body wants. This is actually the harder part but you can make it easy, but how do you know what your body wants? Well listen to it!
Use your senses. You have these for a reason. Your sight, smell and taste tell you what you want to eat. How many times have you opened the fridge and just thought I don't want to eat that today just ah just doesn't seem right today. You plan to make maybe chicken but then you see the steak and oh yes that steak looks great. Go with it - it's your body telling you that chicken isn't what it wants and there's something in the steak that it really does want.
If it smells good and tastes good it's almost certain that your body wants it If it tastes heavenly which sometimes things just do (outside of sugar because that's a drug) it's your body saying oh God yes please eat more of this I'm so nourished from it. Once it stops tasting good your body is telling you that it's had enough nutrition from it so either stop eating that or eat something else.
Try it yourself - get a steak if it tastes absolutely divine at the start but then halfway through stops tasting good how could that possibly be? It's not steak - it's the same piece - it's been cooked the same way it just means your body has had enough.
I'm afraid there's no set diet plan (but you can get an example one here if you really need) there's no set times to eat. you don't have to eat breakfast. You just eat when you're hungry that's intuitive eating.
Now of course you can eat breakfast and whilst the human body doesn't work on eating at set times, society does so it can be easier to eat at those times but you do what works for you. You can do fasting with a carnivore diet and I'm going to cover this in one of my other episodes but you probably don't need to.
Fasting gives many of the same benefits as carnivore.
Most people will naturally fast anyway because they just feel less hungry and they're more in tune with their hunger signals
Calories in / out is a huge point of contention.
You know this idea of calories in versus calories out or CICO for short - calories are pretty stupid measure to actually use with the human body. We don't actually use calories we need micronutrients and calories in calories out has been professed for decades - but it's almost never actually worked or gives any kind of results for weight loss or health or at least not any sustainable weight loss.
I mean you eat nothing you're going to lose weight.
You ask almost anyone with a brain that works in the weight loss field and gets consistent results and they will tell you it's not the calories it's really what your body does with those calories that matters.
I mean I've I've lost more weight eating 4000 calories a day than I ever did eating 500 a day there's maybe a few small situations where the amount of calories actually do matter but it's mostly pointless to actually count calories. It's also not even really the percentages of macros that actually matter it's really the micro nutrition your body will tell you if you need more fat because for example you'll feel sluggish or tired or the easiest way - your poo's gonna get hard and you're just going to want to eat more fat naturally. If you open the fridge suddenly that butter is going to be starting to look really good go with it eat the butter eat it until it stops tasting good when it stops tasting good your body's telling you you've had enough fat.
However calories are a simple basic measuring tool and most people with any knowledge of carnivore diet say you need somewhere in the region of maybe 70 to 80 percent have calories from fat and this serves as a Rough Guide for people there's some out there that claim they eat the other way around and eat maybe 70 to 80 protein now honestly I call on this and I can guarantee they aren't healthy if they're doing that I certainly wouldn't do that so if you're thinking of starting the carnivore diet please just do. but if you were if you're worried find a carnivore friendly doctor like me to guide you through it
I'd actually say just jump in cold turkey you don't need to go slowly and just get off those plants but if you really have to dip your toes in first just start by reducing vegetables and increasing red meat just remember though probably 95 percent of the benefit comes in that last five percent by eliminating all plants.
If you are looking for a guide on how to start a carnivore diet, click here
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